Driver: Sri Mahesh, Mobile Number: 95900 96539 / 94499 27755
Office Contact: +91 80 2334 2828
Prakash Kini: +91 9900267824
An Appeal
You are aware, we are amidst dire crisis of COVID-19. Thousands have become destitutes overnight. We also don't know how far this crisis will continue. It is imperative on our part at least to protect the Interest of our Samaj Bandhavas in Bengalore who are in distress in this hour of need.
An Appeal
The Gowda Saraswath Sevak Samaj has therefore opened "SEVAK SAMAJ APATH NIDHI" to give one time financial assistance of Rs.3000 per family in distress. This will be remitted on-line shortly.
An Appeal
The conditions for the grant and application form are available on our Samaj website and also available in all WhatsApp groups of GSB Samaj in Bangalore.